Over the last few years, adding pronouns to email signatures has become more popular, but the practice isn’t for everyone.
Examples of pronouns and what they might refer to are:
he/him/his (for someone who might identify as male),
she/her/hers (for someone who might identify as female),
they/them/their (for someone who might not identify strictly as male or female, these pronouns are considered ‘gender neutral’; also used when referring to multiple people)
So why might someone add pronouns?
Adding pronouns takes the guesswork out of deciding how someone should identify you, and it can show your support for inclusivity. Adding them can also normalize discussions about gender in the workplace.
Are there reasons not to add your pronouns?
First, you should find out your company’s policy. You should also keep your audience in mind. If you aren’t comfortable sharing your gender identity or it’s a conversation you’d rather not have with co-workers and business contacts, stick with a traditional email signature.