Hello and Happy New Year, friends! As we welcome a fresh start, it's the perfect time to revisit some essential business etiquette habits that can set you up for success in 2025.

1. Say Hello at the Start of Each Day
This one's a no-brainer, right? But sometimes we forget how important it is. Starting your workday by greeting the people around you with a quick "Good morning" or "Hello" sets a positive tone for the day. It shows you're approachable and that you acknowledge the people you work with. When you don't say hello, it creates confusion and awkwardness. Suddenly, people are wondering, "Did I do something wrong?" Worse, they might start avoiding you, which might seem appealing at first, but trust me, you don't want to be the coworker who's avoided long-term. A simple greeting builds goodwill from the jump.
2. Email Beginnings and Endings
For your first email of the day, always begin with a friendly greeting and end with a polite closing. Something as simple as "Hi [Name]" or "Good morning" works perfectly. I typically go with "Best" or "All the best" for the closing; it's professional and does not feel too formal. Once you've sent that initial email, you can continue the thread like an in-person conversation, dropping the formalities and skipping the person's name in subsequent replies.
3. Don't Over-Rely on One Form of Communication
Emails are fantastic for the who, what, and where of business. However, emails can fall short when it comes to sharing opinions or explaining reasons behind decisions. Face-to-face or video conversations allow for deeper connections and clearer understanding. So, while email is great for logistics, make sure you're mixing it up when you need to get into the why.
4. Be Prepared and On-Time for Meetings
This one is a biggie and always leaves people shaking their heads in agreement during my classes. If a meeting is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., you need to be in the room ready to go by that time, not walk in at 9:00 a.m. Being late isn't just disruptive; it wastes everyone's time and sets a bad tone for the meeting. Being prepared means arriving with at least a pen, paper, and any materials you were asked to bring or contribute.
5. Take a Few Minutes for a New Year's Check-Up on Your Online Presence
Your online presence is a big part of your professional image. Since we meet so many people online before we ever meet in person, it's worth taking a moment to see how you show up. Try Googling your name to see what pops up, such as photos, articles, reviews, or anything else tied to your name. Is it time to update that LinkedIn photo? (Note to self, Kristi, it's definitely overdue!) Are your Facebook privacy settings still current? A little digital housekeeping can go a long way in making sure your online presence is just as polished as your in-person interactions.
By putting these simple tips into practice, you'll set yourself up for a year of smoother communication, more professional interactions, and positive connections. Here's to a successful and productive 2025!